Dnyan Prasarak Mandal's

Tq. Kalamb, Dist. Osmanabad – 413 507

NAAC Accredited with B Grade

ISO 9001:2015

Affiliated to Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad



SSR – 2018

Sr.No. Name of Teacher Name of Topic Link


Data templates for extended profile
3.5 Number of teachers recognized as guides during last five years
3.6 Number of sanctioned posts year wise during the last five years
4.1 Number of eligible applications received for admissions to all the programs year wise during the last five years
4.2 Number of seats earmarked for reserved category as per GOI/ State Govt rule year wise during last five years.


SSR Criteria I : Curricular Aspects 


1.1.2 Minutes of the relevant Boards of Studies
1.1.3 Program/ Curriculum/ Syllabus of the Courses/
1.2.1 Minutes of the Relevant Boards of Studies
1.2.2 Minutes of the Relevant Boards of Studies
1.3.1 Program/ Curriculum/ Syllabus of the Courses/
1.4.1 Stakeholder feedback report, Action taken report


SSR Criteria II :  Teaching-Learning and Evaluation
2.1.2 Prospectus of the college for year 2017-18
2.2.1 Additional information about NPTEL and IIT-JAM (Activities)
2.3.1 Activity Reports and Photographs of experiential learning (Prati sansand, Tour, seminar, group discussion etc.) Photographs of ICT Engaging Teachers LMS/ academic management system/Media centre.
2.3.4 Academic Calendar
2.5.4 Minutes of BOE Meetings
2.5.5 Examination Unit
2.6.1 Syllabus of all programs
2.6.2 PO’s and PSO’s of all Programs
2.6.3 Annual report of the Examination
3.1.1 Research Policy
3.1.2 Minute of the research committee indicating seed money
3.1.4 Geotagged Videos and Photographs
3.3.2 Activity Report
3.4.1 Plagiarism and Code of Ethics
3.4.4 Shodh Ganga
3.4.6 Books Covers Pages
3.5.1 Consultancy Policy
3.6.1 Photographs/ Report of extension activities such as NSS/ NCC / Disaster management
3.6.2 E-copy of Award Letters
3.6.3 Photograph/ extension and outreach programs conducted in collaboration with industry, community and Non- Government Organizations through NSS/NCC/Red cross/YRC
3.6.4 Extension Activities
3.7.1 Photographs of Collaborative activities for research, faculty exchange, student exchange
3.7.2 Proofs of Outcome
3.7.3 MoU’s with institutions of national,international importance, other universities, industries, corporate houses
4.1.1 Photographs of facilities available
4.1.2 Photographs of sports and games activities
4.1.3 Photographs of VLC and MPSC
4.2.1 Library
4.2.2 Library Books
4.2.3 E-Journal, E-shodh shindhu, E-books, Database
4.2.6 Photographs of Reading room of Boys, Girls and Teachers/Research Scholars
4.3.1 Photographs of IT facilities including Wi-Fi
4.3.2 Photographs of Computer Labs
4.3.4 Photographs of Media Center
4.4.2 College Layout Maps
5.1.1 Self attested letter with list of students sanctioned scholarships
5.1.3 Student Support
5.1.6 Minutes of Meetings
5.2.1 Placement Cell
5.2.2 List oF Student Showing Progression
5.2.3 List of Students Qualifying NET/SLET/GATE/States Services
5.3.1 Activities
5.3.2 Student Council
5.3.3 Photos of Major Sports and Cultural Activities / Competitions under
5.4.1 Alumni Database
6.1.1 Vision and Mission of the Institution
6.1.2 Duties and roles of various administrative officers
6.2.1 Strategic Plan and deployment documents
6.2.2 Functions of various bodies, service rules, procedures, recruitment, promotional policies
6.2.4 Minutes of Governing Body, Academic Council and IQAC Meetings
6.3.1 Rajarshi Shahu Employees Co. Op. Credit Society
6.3.2 Teachers attending conferences / workshops and towards membership fee of professional bodies during the last five years
6.3.3 Activity reports of professional development program organised for teaching and non teaching staff (Conference, special program SOUL, CCMS, Soft skill computer literacy, spoken English)
6.3.4 Orientation Program, Refresher Course, Short Term Course, Faculty Development Programs during the last five years
6.3.5 Blank formats of PBAS and CR of teaching and nonteaching staff
6.4.1 Internal and external audit reports/statements of the college
6.5.1 Quality Assurance Strategies and Processes
6.5.2 Reports of Activities Initiated by IQAC
6.5.3 IQAC
6.5.4 Annual Report of the Institution
6.5.5 First and Second Cycle Accreditation Reports
7.1.1 Gender Equity Promotion Programs
7.1.2 Photographs of Facilities, Safety, Security, Counseling, Common Room
7.1.3 Photographs of Solar Power Plant/Solar water Heater
7.1.4 Photographs of LED Tubes from Physics Department
7.1.5 Photographs of Solid Waste (BT) and Liquid Waste (Canteen) Management
7.1.6 Additional Information photographs of Rain water Harvesting with name board
7.1.7 Photographs of Staff using Bicycle
7.1.8 Green Initiatives
7.1.9 Photos and videos of facilities for divyangjan (Sticks, Ramp/Chair, Lift, Braille Facilities, Rest Rooms, Scribes, Special Music Classes)
7.1.10 Initiatives to address locational advantages and disadvantages
7.1.11 Photographs of Initiatives taken to engage with & contribute to local community
7.1.12 Hand book of code of conduct for students,teachers,principals & governing body
7.1.13 Core Values
7.1.14 Photographs of activities conducted to increase consciousness about national identies and symbols
7.1.15 Courses on Human Values and professional ethics.Or Syllabus
7.1.16 Supporting documents to prove that institution functions as per professional code
7.1.17 Photographs of activities conducted for promotion of universal values
7.2.1 Photographs and videos of Institutional Best Practice
7.3.1 Photographs and videos of Institutional Distinctiveness