- Admissions to F. Y. B. A. / B. Com. / B. Sc. shall be strictly on merit basis. Application for admission to the college should be made on the prescribed online admission form available on the college website by all students including those who were in the college during the previous year. Students should apply immediately after the declaration of the results of the pertinent examination of the previous year.
- The students should fill in the online admission form and submit the printouts through proper admission committee given on the front pages of this prospectus.
- The admission form duly completed in all respects and accompanied by requisite documents should be submitted to the college on or before the last date notified by the college. The list of requisite documents to be attached to the admission form is given in the next section. The admission forms which are incomplete or incorrectly filled or submitted late will be summarily rejected.
- The admission form signed by the admission committee shall then be processed to generate the Fees Challan in the college office. The admission fees can remitted online or through office. The admission form along with the challan of paid fees should be submitted in the college office on the same day.
- Out of the total available seats for each course, 52% seats are reserved for backward and 3% seats are reserved for physically handicapped. However, if these seats are not filled in the scheduled period, the students from the awaiting list of the open category will be admitted.
- The admission granted by college is provisional, until is confirmed by the University.
B.A. : 10+2 in Science or Arts
B. Com : 10+2 in Science or Commerce
B. Sc. : 10+2 in Science or MCVC
Admission Link (s):