SSR – 2018
Sr.No. | Name of Teacher | Name of Topic | Link |
Data templates for extended profile | |
3.5 | Number of teachers recognized as guides during last five years |
3.6 | Number of sanctioned posts year wise during the last five years |
4.1 | Number of eligible applications received for admissions to all the programs year wise during the last five years |
4.2 | Number of seats earmarked for reserved category as per GOI/ State Govt rule year wise during last five years. |
SSR Criteria I : Curricular Aspects |
1.1.2 | Minutes of the relevant Boards of Studies |
1.1.3 | Program/ Curriculum/ Syllabus of the Courses/ |
1.2.1 | Minutes of the Relevant Boards of Studies |
1.2.2 | Minutes of the Relevant Boards of Studies |
1.3.1 | Program/ Curriculum/ Syllabus of the Courses/ |
1.4.1 | Stakeholder feedback report, Action taken report |
SSR Criteria II : Teaching-Learning and Evaluation |
2.1.2 | Prospectus of the college for year 2017-18 |
2.2.1 | Additional information about NPTEL and IIT-JAM (Activities) |
2.3.1 | Activity Reports and Photographs of experiential learning (Prati sansand, Tour, seminar, group discussion etc.) | | Photographs of ICT Engaging Teachers | | LMS/ academic management system/Media centre. |
2.3.4 | Academic Calendar |
2.5.4 | Minutes of BOE Meetings |
2.5.5 | Examination Unit |
2.6.1 | Syllabus of all programs |
2.6.2 | PO’s and PSO’s of all Programs |
2.6.3 | Annual report of the Examination |
3.1.1 | Research Policy |
3.1.2 | Minute of the research committee indicating seed money |
3.1.4 | Geotagged Videos and Photographs |
3.3.2 | Activity Report |
3.4.1 | Plagiarism and Code of Ethics |
3.4.4 | Shodh Ganga |
3.4.6 | Books Covers Pages |
3.5.1 | Consultancy Policy |
3.6.1 | Photographs/ Report of extension activities such as NSS/ NCC / Disaster management |
3.6.2 | E-copy of Award Letters |
3.6.3 | Photograph/ extension and outreach programs conducted in collaboration with industry, community and Non- Government Organizations through NSS/NCC/Red cross/YRC |
3.6.4 | Extension Activities |
3.7.1 | Photographs of Collaborative activities for research, faculty exchange, student exchange |
3.7.2 | Proofs of Outcome |
3.7.3 | MoU’s with institutions of national,international importance, other universities, industries, corporate houses |
4.1.1 | Photographs of facilities available |
4.1.2 | Photographs of sports and games activities |
4.1.3 | Photographs of VLC and MPSC |
4.2.1 | Library |
4.2.2 | Library Books |
4.2.3 | E-Journal, E-shodh shindhu, E-books, Database |
4.2.6 | Photographs of Reading room of Boys, Girls and Teachers/Research Scholars |
4.3.1 | Photographs of IT facilities including Wi-Fi |
4.3.2 | Photographs of Computer Labs |
4.3.4 | Photographs of Media Center |
4.4.2 | College Layout Maps |
5.1.1 | Self attested letter with list of students sanctioned scholarships |
5.1.3 | Student Support |
5.1.6 | Minutes of Meetings |
5.2.1 | Placement Cell |
5.2.2 | List oF Student Showing Progression |
5.2.3 | List of Students Qualifying NET/SLET/GATE/States Services |
5.3.1 | Activities |
5.3.2 | Student Council |
5.3.3 | Photos of Major Sports and Cultural Activities / Competitions under |
5.4.1 | Alumni Database |
6.1.1 | Vision and Mission of the Institution |
6.1.2 | Duties and roles of various administrative officers |
6.2.1 | Strategic Plan and deployment documents |
6.2.2 | Functions of various bodies, service rules, procedures, recruitment, promotional policies |
6.2.4 | Minutes of Governing Body, Academic Council and IQAC Meetings |
6.3.1 | Rajarshi Shahu Employees Co. Op. Credit Society |
6.3.2 | Teachers attending conferences / workshops and towards membership fee of professional bodies during the last five years |
6.3.3 | Activity reports of professional development program organised for teaching and non teaching staff (Conference, special program SOUL, CCMS, Soft skill computer literacy, spoken English) |
6.3.4 | Orientation Program, Refresher Course, Short Term Course, Faculty Development Programs during the last five years |
6.3.5 | Blank formats of PBAS and CR of teaching and nonteaching staff |
6.4.1 | Internal and external audit reports/statements of the college |
6.5.1 | Quality Assurance Strategies and Processes |
6.5.2 | Reports of Activities Initiated by IQAC |
6.5.3 | IQAC |
6.5.4 | Annual Report of the Institution |
6.5.5 | First and Second Cycle Accreditation Reports |
7.1.1 | Gender Equity Promotion Programs |
7.1.2 | Photographs of Facilities, Safety, Security, Counseling, Common Room |
7.1.3 | Photographs of Solar Power Plant/Solar water Heater |
7.1.4 | Photographs of LED Tubes from Physics Department |
7.1.5 | Photographs of Solid Waste (BT) and Liquid Waste (Canteen) Management |
7.1.6 | Additional Information photographs of Rain water Harvesting with name board |
7.1.7 | Photographs of Staff using Bicycle |
7.1.8 | Green Initiatives |
7.1.9 | Photos and videos of facilities for divyangjan (Sticks, Ramp/Chair, Lift, Braille Facilities, Rest Rooms, Scribes, Special Music Classes) |
7.1.10 | Initiatives to address locational advantages and disadvantages |
7.1.11 | Photographs of Initiatives taken to engage with & contribute to local community |
7.1.12 | Hand book of code of conduct for students,teachers,principals & governing body |
7.1.13 | Core Values |
7.1.14 | Photographs of activities conducted to increase consciousness about national identies and symbols |
7.1.15 | Courses on Human Values and professional ethics.Or Syllabus |
7.1.16 | Supporting documents to prove that institution functions as per professional code |
7.1.17 | Photographs of activities conducted for promotion of universal values |
7.2.1 | Photographs and videos of Institutional Best Practice |
7.3.1 | Photographs and videos of Institutional Distinctiveness |